
weekly wants #002

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

1. oh. my. god. i love these shoes! similar to an ASOS pair that i'm desperate for, only more within my price range. And would you believe it? they're from new look! only £24.99, ahhhh. shame i'm broke really, I need these in my life.

2. okay, so they dont look like anything special, but they're £19.99 and i need a pair of 'chino trousers'. i don't actually have a h&m anywhere near me, but as soon as i hunt one down i'm stocking up big time.

3. can someone please tell summer to hurry the hell up? i need this bikini! thing is, i just  know it won't look right on me. grrrr.

4. words can't tell you how long i've wanted this brush, but at £21 i suppose it's gonna be a little bit longer. i'm so sick of paying good money for rubbish crap brushes, I need to learn to just save my money and get a good one.. flawless concealer? here i come!

5. ahh the juicy couture bracelet. I saw this in an outlet store near where i live a few weeks ago and left it, and when I went back it wasnt there. booo! but i promise i will hunt one of these babies down, and i'm not paying full price!

6. i reeeally want to try this concealer, mainly because the real problem with my face is under eye circles. and i'm not talking about a little hint that you stayed up a few hours later than you meant to, i mean i'm constantly walking around looking like someone's just punched me in both eyes. whether i go to sleep at 8.30 or 11, they dont wanna budge. so i've given up on the ridiculously early nights and 'brightening' eye creams (that actually dont brighten atall) and i'm saving. i need this concealer!

7. the topshop blush. need i say anymore? i've heard such good things about this blush i wish i could run to topshop and get it right this second. but there's three things stopping me. i'm in my pyjamas, the nearest topshop is a good few miles away, and i have no money. damn.

what are your wants this week?


  1. emily, i am rather upset by the fact that you knicked my bags for your background. You can keep them under one condition, you go get bloody ugly.!

  2. awhh haha sorry bubs! they're too cute?! and i'm afraid that means they're mine already then! mahaha



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