
we sure are cute for two ugly people

001. i'm so glad i finally have my life back on track! i have plans for everyday next week, skating with friends on tuesday, battle of the bands with friends on wednesday, my bestfriend chloe is sleeping round on friday, out for a meal with the fam on saturday, i could go on forever! all i need to do now is tidy up my room. aha, that can wait.

002. glamour magazine, unless you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks you'll know they're giving away aload of clinique freebies for their 10th anniversary, i'm pretty sure i've mentioned this in a previous post. well anyways, i got 3 (yes, three.) copies of the mag. one with the eye cream (may i just add, this is amazing and i will be reperchasing!), one with the dramatically different moisturising lotion (it made a dramatic difference, meaning i love it) and one with the daily face wash. i got the wash for chloe by request, and i got the eye cream and daily moisturiser for moi, obvs i didnt need two copies of the same magazine so i gave the second to the lovely effi, but kept the free gift ;) i plan to go out and by the other moisturiser, face wash, face scrub, mascara, lipstick and lipgloss so £12 would be lovely if anyone wants to give me some money? haha i'm kidding, i just need to track down some more issues!

003. foundations.. i bought the revlon colourstay foundation after reading countless good reviews and i was reeeally impressed! it works wonderes at covering my blackheads, ma-hoo-sive pores and spots (eww) so that's always a plus. anyone want a review? comment if ya do.

004. giveaway, i promise this is coming really, really soon. i'm going to town on friday so i'll pick up some prizes then, but i want my first giveaway to be a memorable one so although it might take a while, it certainly will be worth it.

that's it for now lovelys, i'm rambling as usual. comment and follow, it means alot. oooh and i promise outfit posts are on their way! as you all know i currently have no laptop so that's why they're no pictures on here at the moment, but as of tuesday i will have a phone and a laptop (hooray!) so my life will officially be back to normal! well, as normal as it can get.

emily x



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