
come on sweet caroline

as you all know i went to battle of the bands last wednesday, so obvs that makes this post horrendously late, but i am very lazy. this is what i wore, please excuse the ridiculously big fringe and over-exposing, see through top. no idea what i was thinking, seemed like a good idea at the time. ahh well!

top - primark
cardigan - primark
jeans - miss selfridge

for shoes i just wore my faithful boots from this post, if anyone wants info on make up and stuff just comment below. i feel like a walking primark advert here, how cheap of me. sorry all the photo's are back to front aswell, i had no camera so had to take them on my webcam, hence the bad quality. soz!

hope everyone's having a lovely week, i haven't been up to alot.. spend some well earned time with my friend chloe on friday night (it turned out to be a hilarious and extremely eventful night out in town, but i won't bore you all with details) and i'm so exited for the only way is essex next sunday! anyone else a complete sam and amy fan?

i'll update you again on last week tomorrow (wow, that was confusing), i have some funny pancake day photo's and other random things, i'm temped to start doing 'a week in photo's' posts.. also i'm going to see mayday parade in may with my best friend gemma, which i'm so exited about, and then there's poland in may, which i'm actually not that exited about but still! ooh and one last thing, i'm completely hooked on gossip girl. someone pleeease give me serena's hair?

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